Boscaswell Downs, Cornwall

Boscaswell Downs Mine,

Boscaswell Downs mine included 27 shafts on 20 different lodes, among them the Boxer, Bridgework and Lawry lodes. Treweek's shaft (sunk on Peath lode) was re-opened for some time around 1965. There are some dumps remaining just opposite to the car park in the center of Pendeen village.

1856 Kellys Directory. Boscaswell Downs Tin Mine, St. Just, Cornwall. This mine has not paid any dividends since 1849.

Boscaswell Downs mine is in the parish of St. Just in Penwith, situated 6 miles from Penzance, which is the nearest railway station and shipping place. The mine is held under a lease of 21 years, granted by John BORLASE esq., and others, at a royalty of 1-20th. Engine shaft is sunk 225 fathoms. Smith's Shaft is sunk 220 fathoms. Milsted shaft is sunk 210 fathoms. Long Bottoms shaft is sunk 230 fathoms. The pumping engine is of 36-inch cylinder. There are two. The mine is worked for tin and copper. It is worked by a limited liability company of 18,000 shares. Purser Edwin S. Boyns, of Penzance. Manager Richard Williams. Captains William Eddy, Edward Rodda and John Eddy. Secretary Robert Garland. London Offices, Moorgate street Chambers

1873. East Boscaswell mine is in the parish of St. Just in Penwith, 6 miles from Penzance, which is the nearest railway station and shipping place. The mine is held under lease of 21 years, at a royalty of 1-24th; the minerals found in the sett are copper and tin. there have been 3 shafts sank. The engine or main, shaft is sunk 130 fathoms. Skip shaft is sunk 160 fathoms. The mine is worked and drained by two steam engines. The pumping engine is of 32-inch cylinder, and the winding and stamping engine is of 24 inch cylinder, and is worked by a limited liability company in 3,000 shares. Secretary F. WARWICK, 25 Bucklersbury, London. Manager William EDDY. Captain James ELLIS

1907 Boscaswell United Tin & Copper Mines, Ltd was formed and the property included the setts of North Boscaswell, Pendeen Consols, Trease, Calartha Farm, Boscaswell Downs, Calartha Common and Portheras.

1965 Boscaswell Downs Mine was re-opened by Geevor via Treweeks Shaft and eventually the rich Simms Lode was discovered that was to feed the mill for the next 20 years.

Trevithick Society, East Boscaswell Mine

St Just Area Mines, Cornwall