East Kit Hill Mine

East Kit Hill Mine

Little is known about this mine; it worked in the early 1850s but closed in 1856 and reopened in 1870. The ruinous engine house and stack are thought to have worked Cornish stamps for crushing ore. The mine produced some tin, arsenic and tungsten.

Sporadic mining took place until 1881 when the sett was worked as Kit Hill Consols. Exploited for Cassiterite and Wolframite as late as the first world war, the hill has been mapped and is said to contain up to 1000 shafts, pits and other trials for minerals. One of the final trials was the Excelsior mine tunnel, East Kit Hill Mine

Mindat reports Kit Hill United Mines (incl. Kit Hill; Kit Hill Great Consols; East Kit Hill; South Kit Hill (Cornwall Great Consols)),

Trevithick Society, East Kit Hill Mine

Callington Mines